LED Bell Shape High Bay luminaires have been used in this transformation to replace the obsolete original fixtures.

L & A Metalworks is a large metal fabrication shop located in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The facility had a mixture of 400 watt metal halide high bay and 250 watt induction high bay luminaires. The majority of their lighting system was composed of 400 watt metal halides fixtures. Maintenance was a big issue as the fixtures were very high up and hard to access and they were also starting to fail.

Since the shop is a very dirty environment where dust and humidity coexist, we offered our 200 watt LED Bell Shape high bays which are IP65 rated. This certification makes the fixture dust-tight and protected from any water jets which was really appropriate for such an installation.

After the installation of our LED Bell Shape high bays, the results were very impressive. Not only did they benefit from energy savings and reduced maintenance costs, light quality at the work plane level was significantly improved. This was achieved by using the right reflector for the job. The original fixtures diffused the light horizontally which reduced the light at the work surface. We used a 60 degree aluminum reflector which pushed all the light down where it was needed.